Issue Position: Foreign Policies

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

We live in an interconnected world that requires us to participate responsibly in global politics. The first step in regaining our status in the world is to rid ourselves of dependence on foreign oil. Only once we have accomplished that can we establish a rational foreign policy. The world's dependence on OPEC countries to provide for our fossil fuel needs has caused major competition for these supplies pitting country vs. country. By being responsible consumers of energy and observing simple guidelines we can help reduce our consumption of energy. The increased use of atomic energy is the fastest and most environmentally conscious way of achieving energy independence. The development of alternative fuel sources should also be used, but only by taking a holistic approach. We cannot create competition between bio-fuels and food sources or we drive the price of each up to the high prices we are experiencing today.

Larry has lived on 4 continents, worked in over 125 countries, speaks 3 languages fluently, and holds an MBA in Developmental Economics. He has valuable experience working with foreign heads of state in numerous countries, as well as with their federal ministers and parliaments. With this background Larry has twice the experience in the realm of foreign policy as any other sitting member of Congress.
